京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科  免疫学(松田研究室)
Department of Immunology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

松田 修  Osam Mazda

松田 修 教授

Graduated from KPUM in 1985, I was trained as a physician in Jichi Medical University Hospital in Tochigi, north of Tokyo.

Then I entered Postgraduate Course of Medical Science in Kyoto University,
and studied T cell differentiation and repertoire selection under the supervision of professor Yoshimoto Katsura.

After completing MD.PhD degree, I continued my research as a postdoc at the Katsuraʼ s lab until 1994,
when I became an academic staff member in the Department of Microbiology, KPUM,
that was directed by professor Jiro Imanishi.

Since then,
I have been working on basic and applied immunology as well as various related areas as you may see


「ガッジョ・ディーロ」 トニー・ガトリフ監督作品
My favorite film: 
"Gadjo Dilo" directed by Tony Gatlif
「クレイジーな人たちへ アップル宣言」 三五館
My favorite book: 
“To the crazy ones: Apple Manifesto”
My favorite singer-songwriter : 
Miyuki Nakajima